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Harris County School District

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Bus Safety

Please contact 706-628-4220  for any concerns pertaining to school bus safety.

Georgia Department of Education School Bus Safety Links

School Bus Danger Zones

Sharing the Road with School Buses

How to Load from the Door Side

How to Load from Across the Road

How to Unload to the Door Side

How to Unload Across the Road

School Bus Safety Brochure

Public Service Announcement #1

Public Service Announcement #2

Public Service Announcement #3

Tips for Motorists


 O.C.G.A. § 20-2-1126 Student Rules of Conduct on the Bus 

1.The bus driver is in full charge of the bus and passengers at all times.

2.The bus driver has the authority to assign seats to students and require that the student sit properly in that seat. When boarding, take a seat immediately and remain seated until you depart the bus.

3. Students are transported only to the school they attend and back to their point of pick-up.

4. Students are not allowed to change busses or get off at a different stop without advance written permission from the parent and written approval from an administrator from their school.

5. Students should be at stop at least 5 minutes designated scheduled time.

6. Student should not stand in traffic lanes while waiting for the bus; stand back until bus completely stops.

7. When loading and unloading, students are to pass at least twelve feet in front of the bus, never go behind the bus.

8. Cooperation with the driver can insure everyone's safety and not jeopardize your priviledge to ride the bus.

9. Commit no act that jeopardizes the safety of any passenger.

10. Unauthorized personnel shall not board any school bus; trespassing warrants may be filed for violations.

11. Keep all parts of body inside of bus.

12. No eating or drinking on the bus.

13. Students are not allowed to tamper with emergency doors, exits or any controls or devices on the bus.

14. Knives, guns, or other weapons are not allowed on the bus. This also includes ammunition, explosives, including flammable materials, dangerous chemicals or any device by which any materials may be projected or propelled.

15. Threats, intimidation, or violence will not be tolerated on the bus or at a bus stop.

16. Throw nothing out of windows. Be sure to take all personal belongings with you when you leave the bus.

17. No pushing or shoving when loading or unloading the bus.

18. Smoking and profane or vulgar language is not permitted on the bus or bus stop.

19. The possession, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the bus is prohibited.

20. Students must stay in their seat. Moving from one seat to another is permitted only with the permission of the driver.

21 Do not damage bus property.Parent/student is required to pay for any damage to the bus, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken with students.

22. Excessive noise and loud talking is not permitted.

23. No animals allowed on bus or at bus stop.

24. Students who are not at bus stop or progressing inappropriately to board the bus when the bus arrives will be referred to the principal for malingering.

25. Perfume, hair spray, or nail polish, etc. may not be used on the bus.

26. The use of cell phones, tablets and other electronic devices are permissible on the bus. However, the following is prohibited while using such devices: No taking pictures, video, air dropping photos or looking at inappropriate material, etc... Ear buds must be used while listening to music or watching videos.