Q&A about Registration Process for Pre-K Program
When will I know if my child has a spot in the requested school or if my child is on the waiting list?
You should know if your child is on the school's Pre-K list or if your child has been waitlisted approximately 2-3 weeks after the pre-registration date.
Can I complete the pre-registration process on my cell phone?
Yes you can. You can complete the pre-registration process on any device that has internet access.
If I don't have internet access at my house, do I HAVE to go to the HOPE Center to pre-register?
No, you can go ANYWHERE that offers an internet connectivity as long as you have a device to connect. If you have a cell phone, you can go anywhere that has a strong cellular signal and use your cell phone data to access the internet. If you have another device (non-cellular tablet or laptop) you can go anywhere that offers WiFi connectivity. The HOPE Center will be opening their doors to give you free access to their WiFi, but you could also go to a public library or to a restaurant that offers free WiFi.
Why aren't the links working?
The links will not be active until the date and time posted on the form.
Who do I contact for more information on the pre-registration process?
Any questions pertaining to pre-registration process for Pre-K can be directed to the Department of Academic Support at (706) 628-4206, Ext. 2301 or 1213.
What information will I need to complete the pre-registration form.
The following information will be required on the pre-registration form:
• Child's official last name, first name, middle name, date of birth, gender
• Parent's official last name, first name
• Parent's email address if applicable and phone number
• Physical address
• School Attendance zone
- Students must be registered for the school in their home school attendance zone. To ensure that parents are choosing the correct school, prior to online registration, contact the Transportation Department at (706) 628-4206, ext. 1301/1306/1307.
• Multiple student indicator - If you have more than one student to pre-register for Pre-K, please check the "Multiple Student Indicator" box.
Do I need to submit my vision/dental/hearing records to be able to register?
No, you have a 90-day window to submit the hearing/dental/vision forms and a 30-day window to submit the shot records. The window begins the first day of the school year.