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Harris County School District

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HCSD School-Based Telehealth Program


A school-based telehealth (SBTH) program uses telecommunications technology to connect children in need of acute or specialty care services to a healthcare provider at a distant site.

  • Telehealth refers to a broad scope of remote healthcare services, including nonclinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services.
  • Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications and software to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit.

Rationale/Why do we want a SBTH program in the HCSD?

A school-based telehealth (SBTH) program uses telecommunications technology to connect children and staff in need of acute or specialty care services to a healthcare provider at a distant site. A SBTH program in the HCSD can provide onsite primary care to serve our students and staff by collaborating services under one roof. All school nurses will serve in a dual capacity as they perform their regular job duties of providing medical attention during the school day and serve as medical liaisons that support and connect our School-Based Telehealth Clinics to Mercer Medicine for telemedicine services. Additionally, a SBTH program helps children and families who have to travel for their medical services and addresses wraparound services for children who are struggling.

Benefits of a SBTH program in the HCSD

The HCSD will benefit from having a SBTH program in the following ways:

  1. Follows HIPAA laws regarding patient privacy and confidentiality (Click link to access HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices)
  2. Services provided by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner via Mercer Medicine of Harris County
  3. Increases children and families’ access to healthcare
  4. Reduces barriers to healthcare in the community 
  5. Reduces student and employee absenteeism due to illness and having to leave or miss school/work for medical visits
  6. Could potentially add mental health services
  7. Increases economic development in the community
  8. Potentially places our Healthcare students at HCHS in apprenticeships in the healthcare field

For Students and Families

  • Time and hassle saved on travel
  • Travel expenses saved (gas/food)
  • Access to providers that otherwise may not be accessible
  • Less time students miss from school
  • Less time parents miss from work
  • Reduced unnecessary emergency room visits
  • Early diagnosis and treatment
  • Decreased exposure to other illnesses from providers’ offices
  • Convenient, quality healthcare 

For Schools and the School District

  • Higher attendance rates
  • Improved school performance
  • Positive parental involvement and communication
  • Healthier kids and decrease of disease transmission in classrooms
  • School becomes a part of the student’s healthcare team
  • Decrease in the need for substitute teachers if faculty and staff have access
  • Health education opportunities for school nurses and other school staff