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Harris County School District

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Chromebook 1 1 Initiative

Harris County School District Chromebook 1:1 Initiative

For the 2020-20201 school year, the Harris County School District is implementing the 1:1 Technology Program. This program – referred to as 1:1 Technology - provides a device for each student in the district. In addition to preparing our students to live and work in a computer-oriented world, some of the benefits of implementing these devices permit a more secure use of technology and information, enable children to be more flexible with their work, and replace the need dedicated computer workstation space in each classroom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chromebook Repair Forms 

The Harris County School District has implemented a 1:1 student computing program and will provide each student, in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade, with a Chromebook to use both at school and at home.  

  1. Please read the Harris County School District Chromebook Policy, Procedures, and Information Handbook at this link, CLICK HERE.
  2. Once you have read and understand the Harris County School District Chromebook Policy, Procedures, and Information Handbook, please complete the Harris County School District Consent to Chromebook Handbook Agreement Form at this link, CLICK HEREParents must complete this form for each student before a Chromebook can be issued to the student. 
  3. Online Registration/Residency Verification must be completed for each student before a Chromebook will be issued. 

Instructions for Those Who Have Selected the Virtual/Online Learning Option:

On Tuesday, August 4 and Thursday, August 6, students and parents who have selected the virtual/online learning option and completed the forms above, will be issued a Chromebook. Parents must go to each of their students' schools to receive a Chromebook. Pickup times for each school are listed below. 

Schools will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learners at the following locations on Tuesday, August 4 and Thursday, August 6. Please note the times for each school below. ONLY STUDENTS WHOSE PARENTS HAVES SELECTED THE VIRTUAL/ONLINE OPTION WILL BE ISSUED CHROMEBOOKS ON THESE DATES. All schools will use safe and reduced contact drive through procedures to issue Chromebooks. Prior to arriving to pick up a Chromebook, parents must read the Harris County School District Chromebook Policy, Procedures, and Information Handbook and complete the Harris County School District Consent to Chromebook Handbook Agreement Form at the links above. Parents must present a photo ID. It is strongly recommended that parents purchase the Chromebook protection insurance online at or at the school where you pick up your device via check, cash, or money order. 

  1. Creekside School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 4-7 pm:​ Creekside will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learners at the front entrance of the building using the media center door.  
  2. Harris County High School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 4-7 pm HCHS will issue Chromebooks to virtual learners at the end of the G-Wing. When arriving guests should enter the main entrance to the campus, turn left and drive all the way around the back of the school to the pick-up location at the northeast corner in the rear of the building.  
  3. Harris County Carver Middle School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 4-7 pmHCCMS will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learners at the lower gym at the rear of the campus. 
  4. Mulberry Creek Elementary School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 5-7 pm: Mulberry Creek will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learners at the front entrance of the building.
  5. New Mountain Hill Elementary School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 5-7 pm:​ ​New Mountain Hill will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learner at the bus ramp on the west side of the building. 
  6. Park Elementary School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 5-7 pm:​​ Park will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learners at the gym entrance on the north side of the building. 
  7. Pine Ridge Elementary School 8/4 and 8/6 @ 5-7 pm: Pine Ridge will issue Chromebooks to parents of virtual learners at the bus ramp located on the south side of the building.
  8. Education Opportunity Center (EOC) and STEPS 8/4 and 8/6: Parents should call the school and arrange for a Chromebook pick up appointment.  

Instructions for Those Who Have Selected the In-School Learning Option:

Students whose parents have chosen the In-School learning option will be issued their Chromebooks at their schools during the first week of school beginning August 10. Prior to the first day of school parents of In-School learners must read the Harris County School District Chromebook Policy, Procedures, and Information Handbook and complete the Harris County School District Consent to Chromebook Handbook Agreement Form at the links above. It is strongly recommended that parents purchase the Chromebook protection insurance online at or at the school where you pick up your device via check, cash, or money order.

Instructions To Set Up a My School Bucks Account to Pay the Technology and Insurance Protection Fee.

  1. Go to
  2. Login if you already have a My School Bucks account.
  3. Click "Sign Up For Free" if you do not have a My School Bucks account.
  4. Choose "Georgia" in the state menu.
  5. Choose "Harris" in the district menu. 
  6. Fill in all require account information. 
  7. Click "Create Account."
  8. Log in to your set up account. 
  9. Click on Chromebook Insurance Fee.
  10. Complete the purchase.

If you have questions about any of the above information, please contact your student's school.